Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mr. Dogwood Goes to Washington

Kentucky Greetings, WoodyWatchers! I tell you - so many exciting things are happening to Chloe and me that I could blog every 10 minutes! I have lots of photos and stories to share that I don't even know where to begin!

Chloe and I have received tons of emails regarding our new story, "Mr. Dogwood Goes to Washington." We get so excited when we get an email that says, "Hey Woody! We LOVE the new story! Our favorite part is..." Kentucky Press Association asked students to read our first chapter and then write what they thought would happen next. We have received many responses. We thought we would share one. Hope you enjoy!

Our 5th grade Reading Class at Bracken County Middle School thinks Woody will meet President Bush and he will take Woody's family to visit the Lincoln Memorial! The president's dog will be going along with them and Woody will find a friend to play with him. President Bush will invite all of them to go back to the White House for dinner and games on the White House lawn so the dogs will be able to play with each other!
At The Lincoln Memorial, Woody takes his paw and rubs Abraham Lincoln's foot for Good Luck! One of our students, Cole Todd, has visited and knows there is a gift shop/museum and feels Woody will want to buy his brothers and sisters back home a coloring book while touring there.
While at dinner, Woody excuses himself to go to the restroom and can't find his way back to the dining room. He gets scared and befriends one of the secret service men. They take him back to where everyone was dining, but no one was there! Woody begins to bark and his family comes running through the White House like a herd of elephants! Finally, they are all together and go out on the lawn to play Hillbilly Golf!


Teacher: Mrs. Bess

Isn't this great! Chloe and I laughed and laughed! Those are great ideas! I must say however that we didn't know what Hillbilly Golf was! We did our research and learned that we had played Hillbilly Golf before - and boy was it fun!!! I guess you will have to read the story to see if their thoughts come true!!!

Thanks to Mrs. Bess and her class! Who knows? With great ideas like that, we may call them for help with our next story!

We will post other responses soon!

It is 6:00 pm and my tummy is rumbling! We spent the day at the Kentucky Library Conference and saw so many of our friends. It was great fun, but all that hugging can make a wiener dog hungry - and not to mention dog-tired!!!

Enjoy your own dinner! Work and Dream like a BIG DOG!