Wednesday, June 24, 2009

TAILS from Garrard County

Kentucky Greetings, WoodyWatchers! Can you say HOT? It has been a scorcher of a summer - and the summer has just started! We have to play outside really early in the morning and really late in the evening to try to beat the heat! Of course we are working several days a week!

Last week we were in Garrard County, KY. Garrard is pronounced Gar-ed as-in rhymes with Jared. No matter how you pronounce it, it's one of our favorite places in the state! We started going to the Garrard County Public Library in 2003. Now, 6 years later, we are still seeing some of our favorite friends on earth!

Ms. D. is the Children's Librarian. The kids love her. We love her too! Take a look at the first photo. This is our friend Roger. Roger was just a little guy in 2003. Now he is going to High School! He still comes to visit us every year! We hope he comes even when he is freshman in college!!!

The next photo is of our friend Lauren and her mom. If look closely, you will see my mom holding a photo of Steven. Like Roger, Steven and Lauren have been coming to the Garrard County Library for years! This year, Steven was away at camp and couldn't make it. He asked his mom to videotape the program so he wouldn't miss it. Isn't that cool?

I have so many more stories to tell you about Garrard County - and our visit to Bardstown yesterday, but my To-Do list is pretty long. I better sign off for now!

Make sure you keep your water bowl full and drink lots of liquids, wear your sunscreen, and Work and Dream like a BIG DOG!