Monday, May 04, 2009

TAILS from Valor

Kentucky Greetings, WoodyWatchers! Hope this finds you having a great day! I can't believe it is already May. I feel like I haven't caught up on all my chores from January!

As usual, our family has been busy. We have been writing the new story, working on a calendar, and visiting schools! This past week we spent the morning at Valor Academy in Louisville, KY. We were so excited to visit Valor. For one thing, their building is beautiful! It looks like a castle on the outside. On the inside, it's just as pretty - and is filled with beautiful people! Their mascot was the Valor Knights. We proposed they change the mascot to the Valor Wiener Dogs! We thought it had a great ring to it! You know, we suggest that to every school, but so far, nobody has done it! I guess it would be too expensive to change the signs out front!

This week, our family will head to Western KY to visit our friends at Pride Elementary! We are looking forward to it! Be sure to check back and see photos from Pride.

Also, in addition to our online doghouse, you can keep up with me on my facebook page. I am under Dogwood "Woody" Furr. Make sure that you always have permission from an adult to be on the internet and don't ever give out personal information about yourself. Mom reminds Chloe and me about that daily! She also tells us that we can only write positive things - nothing negative. "Woody, we want to build our friends up - NOT tear them down!" Great advice from Mom!

Have a great day! Work and Dream like a BIG DOG!