Wednesday, August 27, 2008

TAILS from Cold Hill

Kentucky Greetings, WoodyWatchers! We are singing our theme song - On the road again, just can't wait to get on the road again... Our family is in the Woody Bus yet again. Destination - Richmond, KY. Daniel Boone Elementary School to be exact.

While we are riding down the highway, I thought I would take a minute to tell you about our visit to Cold Hill. We had a PAWS-atively perfect day. It was our very first day back in the schools. We had a few minor issues that made us yowl - like our projector wouldn't turn on and our camera wouldn't work, but those were minor pests. The day was so fantastic that we forgot about our technical difficulties! Ms. Brown, the media specialist, let us borrow her camera for the day. I bet she was surprised when Dad took over 100 pictures! Here are a few of our favorites.

The first one is from the assembly. The second photo is of our friend Saylor. He gave me a pink pig named Wilbur. Wilbur and I have become best friends. I have played with him all day long! He doesn't oink or eat as much as I thought.

Can you guess what Cold Hill had for lunch yesterday??? We couldn't believe it either!

The last photo is of Mom pretending like she is giving a CARDINAL fan a hard time. Everyone knows how much we love the WILDCATS! Speaking of the Cards and the Cats, there is a huge game coming up!!!

Oh, I can't forget to give you a clue about our big announcement. In case you didn't hear, we will be making an exciting announcement on September 8. Your first clue was globe. The clue today is gold.

Dad is pulling the bus over to stop for gas. Hopefully I can get a snack. My tummy is rumbling! Have a great day! I will tell you all about Daniel Boone (the school that is) on Friday! In the meantime, Work and Dream like a BIG DOG!