Friday, August 19, 2011
Doghouse Divided
Kentucky Greetings, WoodyWatchers! No worries - our doghouse is not really divided! It's the name of our new serial story that will premiere in September. This year, Kentucky will commemorate (or remember) our state's role in the Civil War that occurred 150 years ago! Therefore, Chloe and I thought it was only fitting we wrote a story about The War Between the States. We couldn't believe all we learned about the Civil War and we barely scratched the surface! We're looking forward to learning more about our state's heritage!
Doghouse Divided will also debut the work of our new illustrator, Donnie Mather. Mr. Donnie is so talented! We were happy to cross paths with him after PBJ passed away. You are going to love Mr. Donnie's work!
I will list the names of the newspapers in the next few days. They are still signing up so it's not too late to get in on the game. "How much does it cost?" you ask. Nothing! It's completely free!!! So call your newspaper today and ask if they have signed up for the new story!
It's Friday afternoon and our family is going for a walk. I better grab my tennis shoes and water bottle and join them! Have a great weekend and Work and Dream like a BIG DOG!