Sunday, November 07, 2010

CSI: Chapter 5

Kentucky Greetings, WoodyWatchers! Our faithful readers in Ms. Rish's 4th grade class at Meadowthorpe sent me their answer to the following question regarding Chapter 5:

When the hot air balloon landed, Andy told Woody that the family had landed in four different states. How is this possible? Email Woody at and explain what might have happened.

1. They could have landed in the middle of 4 different states.

2. Different people could be standing in 4 different states.

3. One person could be standing on the border of 4 different states.

4. They were at the edge of all 4 different states.

Staci R. Rish
4th Grade Teacher
Meadowthorpe Elementary

We love hearing from our faithful readers! Keep those emails coming and Work and Dream like a BIG DOG!