Saturday, January 30, 2010

TAILS from Southside

Kentucky Greetings, WoodyWatchers! It is Saturday afternoon and we are looking out the window at 4 inches of snow! We went outside early this morning and made snow dogs - our own version of snow angels! We couldn't stay out long because it was so cold! It was only about 17 degrees. Chilly dogs for sure! And you know what would be perfect with chilly dogs? Snow cream!

Last week we spent two days and one evening at Southside Elementary in Shelbyville, KY. It was so wonderful to be at the same school for more than just a day. We had the opportunity to learn lots of names, hear funny stories, and make new friends. Mrs. Jennifer Slaughter planned the most perfect visit for us. Our entire gang is still barking about it! Dad took about 195 pictures but my blog will only let me post a few. Here are a few pictures from Southside. It was terRUFFic!

Chloe and I have received so many emails from our Southside friends! It's fun to open up our inbox and see your emails! Keep 'em coming!

I better go! Chloe is putting on her scarf to go outside again. Our Kentucky Wildcats play basketball this afternoon and I still have chores to do before the game starts!

Stay warm, enjoy the snow, and Work and Dream like a BIG DOG!