Friday, November 11, 2005

Ms. Hall and the Howling Hot Dogs

"The sun shines bright on My Old Kentucky Home..."

Hi Friends! Wish you could hear us howl - or sing! This morning, Chloe and I were able to attend music class with Ms. Hall and her students. While in music, we decided to sing our favorite song - no, not "Who Let The Dogs Out", but "My Old Kentucky Home". Ms. Hall, Chloe, and I were a trio. Actually, we were Ms. Hall's back-up singers! She had the loveliest voice. While singing, several classmates added their talents. Tristen played the Kentucky dulcimer, Megan played a mean banjo, while Lonnie burned up that ol' fiddle. Natasha, Maddie, Kyle, Krystal, and Austin square danced. You should have seen them do-si-doe! We couldn't do it all by ourselves though. We needed Hope, Bubby, Brooke, and Cody W. to be our conductors. They kept us right on key! It didn't take us long to realize we needed some more instruments. Blake, Brandi, Karena, Aaron, and Cody B. kept the rhythm with the bongos, the xylophone, and the clanging cymbals. Jonathan, Bradley, and Chris covered their ears and laughed out loud!!!

I better run for now. I have to go to another class and besides the phone is ringing. I think it is Nashville, TN calling to ask Ms. Hall to come to Music City and record a CD!

Work and Dream like a BIG DOG!

